App Emulsified Asphalt Distillation Apparatus

SKU: ES0275

Product Description

Brand Edures

Emulsified Asphalt Distillation Apparatus :

Microtekink is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Emulsified Asphalt Distillation Apparatus .
Electrical heated model with voltage varrier control and geared unit As per IP 123 IS 1448 (P-18) & ASTM 3 86-82 (without thermometer) with one flask of 125 cc and one cylinder of 100c.Spare 100cc cylinderSpare 200cc cylinderSpare 125cc flask’Spare 250cc cylinderSpare asbestos board for electrical or Gas set (ordinary) 32mm or 38mm or 50mm or 70mm-do- important qualitySpare Nichrome elementSpare Special porcelain baseSpare ceramic board 38 or 50mm holeThermometer for Distillation Apparatus



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