Humidity Oven

SKU: ES0362

Product Description

Size Common Chamber sizes in mms. No. of trays 300 x 300 x 300 2 355 x 355 x 355 2 455 x 455 x 455 2 455
Brand Edures

Humidity Oven/Humidity System(Stream) for Oven
can be provided with humidity arrangement. Humidity is created by condensation of steam generated by heaters dipped in water. Humidity is controlled by imported humidistat from ambient to 95% ± 3% RH.

Common Chamber sizes in mms. No. of trays
300 x 300 x 300 2
355 x 355 x 355 2
455 x 455 x 455 2
455 x 605 x 455 3
605 x 605 x 605 3
910 x 605 x 455 3
910 x 605 x 605 3

Optional :

  • Digital temp. indicator-cum-controller.
  • Digital temp. indicator-cum-controller with computer data logger.


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