Ring & Ball Softening Point Apparatus

SKU: ES0284

Product Description

Softening Point Apparatus Ring & Ball Apparatus

Technical Description:

This apparatus (IP58 And IS 1205/58) is meant for determination of softening point of Bituminious materials according . Softening point is that temperature at which the speciman under test becomes soft enough to allow a steel ball of specific dimension to fall a required distance under test condition . The apparatus consists of glass beaker,ring stand two steel balls with ring and ball guides & hand stirrer. Softening Point Apparatus(without glass beaker) Softening Point Apparatus(with glass beaker) Softening Point Apparatus (Ring & Ball Apparatus),with electric motorised stirrer andelectric heater ,stand with temperature regulator. Softening point apparatus with motorised stirrer , electric heated by concealed hot plate with temperature regulator.


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